Wednesday 15 January 2014

Poster and Front Cover Final

This is an image of the final design for the V and A poster, that I created in Adobe Illustrator. I
I am very happy with my final outcome as the colourful repeated text stands out so much against the black background. The layout of the text boxes are all parallel, which shows that I have used the grid system carefully and appropriately. I have broken some of the type rules by overlapping the text boxes and changing the point sizes. I think that by using reverse type for the important information and the logo on the poster makes it stand out against the black negative space and the colourful typography design. The simple strips of black going across the bottom and diagonally in the top right corner make the poster look more effective as it keeps it simple and makes the reverse type easier to read. The typography design and the black negative space bleeds of the spread making it flow onto the next page and creating an effective advertisement by making a statement.

If I was to repeat this design on the same software, I would increase the point size on various text boxes in my typography design in the background as it would be easier to read from further away or on a bigger scale. I feel that if I didn't overlap the type as much as I did at the top of the page then it would be easier to read and understand, which would look more effective to the public eye and they would therefore be more intrigued as to what I am trying to show them. I feel happy with the type style that I used, however if I was to use a funky style this may intrigue a lot more people and in a more effective way. The style that I have used on the design is very simple, however the bold, 80's style colours that i have used for the type would bring people in as it is pretty effective.

The bright colours relate back to the 1980's style. I placed the type design against the black background as it looks more powerful and effective rather than the white background. It also relates to the 80's style more than the white background. I love how the colours flow across the spread, weaving in and out of the different colours. I think that the poster would look a little more effective if I increased the amount of information for the exhibition in the black area as there is not much there to read, making it seem pointless to the viewers.

This is the final design for the front cover of my 80's themed magazine. I named it AKA Design as it is short and simple. I feel that the colours used are bold, however I feel that they are not very 80's themed as they are not as bright and powerful to the reader as they could have been. The reverse type on the title makes it stand out. Even though I have used popular colours, such as red, white and red, I feel that they stand out better, making the viewers aware of the magazine on offer. If I was to do this again, I would chose brighter bolder colours that relate more to the 80's style, which would make the magazine cover more appealing and funky. 

I included two short articles either side of the magazine, including visual images to catch the viewer's attention. I positioned the 80'S ROCK!! article as aligned on the right hand side as the smaller rock images looked neat and because this also makes the images in the centre stand out. I overlapped some of the images and bled an image off the page so it looks more graphical and would appeal more to graphic designers to gain inspiration. I kerned the characters together in the title, as it looks more effective and so it fits better on the page. I am really happy with the layout, title. images and body copy that is included in the final outcome as it stands out. I added the issue number, date and the price in the top left hand corner.

If I was to repeat this design I would definitely add more bright colours as it would look more 80's, making the viewers more attracted to the magazine. I kept the negative space white as I didn't want to over exaggerate the cover as this could put some people off. I feel that I included enough text in the short articles with the point size that I used as it looks bold, making it look interesting for the viewers to read. 

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